Ferrum phosphoricum
(phosphate of iron)
* In the early stages of febrile conditions, it stands midway between sthenic activity of
Aconite and Bell, and the asthenic sluggishness andtorpidity of Gels.
* The typical Ferr. phos. subject is not full blooded and robust, but nervous, sensitive,
anaemic with the false plethora and easy flushing of Ferrum.
* Prostration marked; face more active than Gels.
* The superficial redness never assumes the dusky hue of Gels.
* Pulse soft and flowing; no anxious restlessness of Acon.
* Susceptibility to chest troubles.
* Bronchitis of young children.
* In acute exacerbation of tuberculosis, a fine palliative of wonderful power.
* Corresponds to Grauvogl's Oxygenoid Constitution, the inflammatory, febrile, emaciating,
wasting consumptive.
The remedy for first stage of all febrile disturbances and inflammations before exudation sets
in; especially for catarrhal affections of the respiratory tract.
3x increases haemoglobin.
In pale, anaemic subjects, with violent local congestions.
Haemorrhages, bright from any orifice.
- Soreness to touch, cold, noise jar.
- Rush of blood to head.
- Ill effects of sun-heat.
- Throbbing sensation.
- Vertigo.
- Headache better cold applications.
- Red, inflamed, with burning sensation.
- Feeling as of sand under lids.
- Hyperaemia of optic disc and retina, with blurred vision.
- Noises.
- Throbbing.
- First stage of otitis.
- Membrana tympani red and bulging.
- Acute otitis; when Bellad. fails, prevents suppuration.
- First stage of colds in the head.
- Predisposition to colds.
- Epistaxis; bright red blood.
- Flushed; cheeks sore and hot.
- Florid complexion.
- Facial neuralgia; worse, shaking head and stooping.
- Mouth hot; fauces red, inflamed.
- Ulcerated sore throat.
- Tonsils red and swollen.
- Eustachian tubes inflamed.
- Sore throat of singers.
- Subacute laryngitis with fauces inflamed and red(2x).
- After operations on throat and nose to control bleeding and relieve soreness.
- First stage of diphtheria.
- Ranula in vascular, sanguine constitutions.
- Aversion to meat and milk.
- Desire for stimulants.
- Vomiting of undigested food.
- Vomiting of bright red blood.
- Sour eructations.
- First stage of peritonitis.
- Haemorrhoids.
- Stools watery, bloody, undigested.
- First stage of dysentery, with much blood in discharges.
- Urine spurts with every cough.
- Incontinence.
- Irritation at neck of bladder.
- Polyuria.
- Diurnal enuresis.
- Menses every three weeks, with bearing-down sensation and pain on top of head.
- Vaginismus.
- Vagina dry and hot.
- First stage of all inflammatory affections.
- Congestions of lungs.
- Haemoptysis.
- Short, painful tickling cough.
- Croup.
- Hard, dry cough, with sore chest.
- Hoarseness.
- Expectoration of pure blood in pneumonia. [Millefol.] Cough better at night.
- Palpitation; pulse rapid.
- First stage of cardiac diseases.
- Short, quick, soft pulse.
- Stiff neck.
- Articular rheumatism.
- Crick in back.
- Rheumatic pain in shoulder; pains extend to chest and wrist.
- Whitlow.
- Palms hot.
- Hands swollen and painful.
- Restless and sleepless.
- Anxious dreams.
- Night sweats of anaemia.
- Chill daily at 1 p.m.
- All catarrhal and inflammatory fevers; first stage.
- Worse, at night and 4 to 6 p.m. ; touch, jar, motion, right side.
- Better, cold applications.
- Compare : (Oxygenoid Constitution. Acon; China; Arsenic; Graphit.; Petrol.) Ferrum
Pyrophosph.. (congestion of brain and headache following great loss of blood; tarsal cysts)
- ; Acon.; Gelsem.; China.
- Third to twelfth potency.
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