Sunday 5 October 2014


(oxide et aluminum-argilla)
* A very general condition corresponding to this drug is dryness of mucous membranes and
skin, and tendency to paretic muscular states.
* Old people, with lack of vital heat, or prematurely old, with debility.
* Sluggish functions, heaviness, numbness, and staggering, and the characteristic
constipation find an excellent remedy in Alumina.
* Disposition to colds in the head, and eructations in spare, dry, thin subjects.
* Delicate children, products of artificial baby foods.
- Low-spirited; fears loss of reason.
- Confused as to personal identity.
- Hasty, hurried.
- Time passes slowly.
- Variable mood.
- Better as day advances.
- Suicidal tendency when seeing knife or blood.
- Stitching, burning pain in head, with vertigo, worse in morning, but relieved by food.
- Pressure in forehead as from a tight hat.
- Inability to walk except with eyes open.
- Throbbing headache, with constipation.
- Vertigo, with nausea; better after breakfast.
- Falling out of hair; scalp itches and is numb.
- Objects look yellow.
- Eyes feel cold.
- Lids dry, burn, smart, thickened, aggravated in morning; chronic conjunctivitis.
- Ptosis.
- Strabismus.
- Humming; roaring.
- Eustachian tube feels plugged.
- Pain at root of nose.
- Sense of smell diminished.
- Fluent coryza.
- Point of nose cracked, nostrils sore, red; worsetouch.
- Scabs with thick yellow mucus.
- Tettery redness.
- Ozoena atrophica sicca.
- Membranes distended and boggy.
- Feels as if albuminous substance had dried on it.
- Blood-boils and pimples.
- Twitching of lower jaw.
- Rush of blood to face after eating.
- Sore.
- Bad odor from it.
- Teeth covered with sordes.
- Gums sore, bleeding.
- Tensive pain in articulation of jaw when openingmouth or chewing.
- Dry, sore; food cannot pass, oesophagus contracted.
- Feels as if splinter or plug were in throat.
- Irritable, and relaxed throat.
- Looks parched and glazed.
- Clergyman's sore throat in thin subjects.
- Thick, tenacious mucus drops from posterior nares.
- Constant inclination to clear the throat.
- Abnormal cravings - chalk, charcoal, dry food, tea-grounds.
- Heartburn; feels constricted.
- Aversion to meat. [Graph.; Arn.; Puls.]
- Potatoes disagree.
- No desire to eat.
- Can swallow but small morsels at a time.
- Constriction of oesophagus.
- Colic, like painter's colic.
- Pressing in both groins toward sexual organs.
- Left-sided abdominal complaints.
- Hard. dry, knotty; no desire.
- Rectum sore, dry, inflamed, bleeding.
- Itching and burning at anus.
- Even a soft stool is passed with difficulty. Great straining.
- Constipation of infants [Collins.; Psor.; Paraf.] and old people from inactive rectum, and in
women of very sedentary habit.
- Diarrhoea on urinating.
- Evacuation preceded by painful urging long before stool, and then straining at stool.
- Muscles of bladder paretic, must strain at stoolin order to urinate.
- Pain in kidneys, with mental confusion.
- Frequent desire to urinate in old people.
- Difficult starting.
- Excessive desire.
- Involuntary emissions when straining at stool.
- Prostatic discharge.
- Menses too early, short, scanty, pale, followed by great exhaustion. [Carb. an.; Coccul.]
Leucorrhoea acrid, profuse transparent, ropy, with burning; worse during daytime, and after
- Relieved by washing with cold water.
- Cough soon after waking in the morning.
- Hoarse, aphonia, tickling in larynx; wheezing, rattling respiration.
- Cough on talking or singing, in the morning.
- Chest feels constricted.
- Condiments produce cough.
- Talking aggravates soreness of chest.
- Stitches.
- Gnawing pain, as if from hot iron.
- Pain along cord, with paralytic weakness.
- Pain in arm and fingers, as if hot iron penetrated.
- Arms feel paralyzed.
- Legs feel asleep, especially when sitting with legs crossed. Staggers on walking. Heels feel
- Soles tender; on stepping, feel soft and swollen.
- Pain in shoulder and upper arm.
- Gnawing beneath finger nails.
- Brittle nails.
- Inability to walk, except when eyes are open or in daytime.
- Spinal degenerations and paralysis of lower limbs.
- Restless; anxious and confused dreams.
- Sleepy in morning.
- Chapped and dry tettery.
- Brittle nails.
- Intolerable itching when getting warm in bed.
- Must scratch until it bleeds; then becomes painful.
- Brittle skin on fingers.
- Worse, periodically; in afternoon; from potatoes.
- Worse, in morning on awaking; warm room.
- Better, in open air; from cold washing; in evening and on alternate days.
- Better. damp weather.
- Compare : Aluminum chloridum (Pains of loco-motor ataxia. Lower trits in water).
- Slag Silico - Sulphocalcite of Alumina 3x (anal itching, piles, constipation, flatulent
distention); Secale; Lathyr.; Plumb. Aluminum acetate solution.
- Externally a lotion for putrid wounds and skin infections.
- Arrests haemorrhage from inertia of uterus.
- Parenchymatous haemorrhage from various organs - 23 % solution.
- Haemorrhage following tonsillectomy is controlled by rinsing out nasopharynx with a 10 %
- Complementary : Bryonia.
- Antidotes : Ipecac.; Chamom.
- Sixth to thirtieth and higher.
- Action slow in developing.

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