Thursday 2 October 2014

Artemisia vulgaris

Artemisia vulgaris
* Has some reputation as a remedy for epileptic conditions, and convulsive diseases of
childhood and girls at puberty.
* Locally and internally is injurious to eyes.
* Petit mal.
* Epilepsy without aura; after fright and other violent emotions and after masturbation.
* Several convulsions close together.
* Somnambulism.
* Gets up at night and works, remembers nothing inthe morning. [Kali phos.]
- Drawn back by spasmodic twitchings.
- Mouth drawn to left.
- Congestion of brain.
- Colored light produces dizziness.
- Pain and blurring of vision; better; rubbing; worse, using eyes.
- Profuse menses.
- Violent uterine contractions.
- Spasms during menses.
- Profuse sweat, smelling like garlic.
- Compare : Absinth.; Cina; Cicuta.
- First to third potency.
- Said to act better when given with wine.

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