Thursday 2 October 2014

Asclepias tuberosa

Asclepias tuberosa
* Its action on the chest muscles is most marked and has been verified.
* Sick headache, with flatulence in stomach and bowels.
* Dyspepsia.
* Bronchitis and pleurisy come within its range.
* Catarrhal states from cold and damp weather.
* Irritation of larynx with huskiness; grip, with pleuritic pain.
- Respiration painful, especially at base of left lung.
- Dry cough; throat constricted; causes pain in head and abdomen.
- Pain in chest; shooting downward from left nipple.
- A general eliminative remedy, acting specially on the sudoriparous glands.
- Chest pains are relieved by bending forward.
- Spaces between ribs close to sternum tender.
- Lancinating pain between shoulders.
- Catarrh, with frontal headache, and sticky yellow discharge.
- Fullness, pressure, weight.
- Flatulence after meals.
- Sensitive to tobacco.
- Catarrhal dysentery, with rheumatic pains all over.
- Stools smell like rotten eggs.
- Rheumatic joints give sensation as if adhesions being broken up on bending.
- Compare : Asclepias Incarnata - Swamp Milk Weed.(Chronic gastric Catarrh and
leucorrhoea. Dropsy with dyspnoea)
- Periploca groeca - One of the Asclepiades - (Cardiac tonic, acts on circulation and
respiratory centre, accelerating respiration in a ratio disproportionate to pulse.) Bryonia; Dulc.
- Tincture and first potency.

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