Sunday 28 September 2014

Abies nigra

Abies nigra
(black spruce)
* A powerful and long-acting remedy, in various forms of disease, whenever the
characteristic stomach symptoms are present.
* Most of the symptoms are associated with the gastric disturbances.
* In dyspeptic troubles of the aged, with functional heart symptoms; also after tea or tobacco.
* Constipation.
* Pain in external meatus.
- Hot, with flushed cheeks.
- Low-spirited.
- Dull during the day, wakeful at night.
- Unable to think.
- Pain in stomach always comes on after eating.
- Sensation of a lump that hurts, as if a hard-boiled egg had lodged in cardiac end of stomach;
continual distressing constriction just above the pit of the stomach, as if everything were
knotted up.
- Total loss of appetite in morning, but great craving for food at noon and night.
- Offensive breath.
- Eructations.
- Painful sensation, as if something were lodged in the chest and had to be coughed up; lungs
feel compressed.
- Cannot be fully expanded.
- Worse coughing; waterbrash succeeds cough.
- Chocking sensation in throat.
- Dyspnoea; worse lying down; sharp, cutting pain in heart; heart's action heavy and slow;
tachycardia, bradycardia.
- Pain in small of back.
- Rheumatic pains and aching in bones.
- Wakeful and restless at night, with hunger.
- Bad dreams.
- Alternate heat and cold; chronic intermittent fever, with pain in stomach.
- Worse after eating.
- Compare : (Lump in stomach - China, Bryon. Pulsat.) also other Conifers - Thuja, Sabina,
Cupressus (painful indigestion) also Nux vom, Kali carb.
- First to thirtieth potency.

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