Sunday 28 September 2014

Acidum Benzoicum

Acidum Benzoicum
(Benzoicum Acidum)
(benzoic acid)
* The most marked characteristic pertains to the odor and color of the urine.
* It has a marked action on metabolism.
* It produces and cures symptoms of a uric acid diathesis, with urine highly colored and very
offensive, and gouty symptoms.
* Renal insufficiency.
* Child wants to be nursed in the arms, will not be laid down.
* Pains suddenly change their locality.
* Anti-sycotic.
* Gouty and asthmatic.
- Prone to dwell on unpleasant things in the past.
- Omits words in writing.
- Depression.
- Vertigo inclination to fall sideways.
- Throbbing in temporal arteries, causes puffing around ears.
- Noises when swallowing.
- Ulceration of tongue.
- Swelling behind ears. [Caps.]
- Cold sweat on forehead.
- Pricking, puckered constriction of mouth, bluishand bleeding gums.
- Wens.
- Itching of septum.
- Pain in nasal bones.
- Copper-colored spots.
- Red, with little blisters.
- Circumscribed redness of cheeks.
- Sweat while eating; pressure in stomach, sensation of a lump.
- Cutting about navel.
- Stitching in liver region.
- Stitches and constricted feeling.
- Puckering constriction of rectum.
- Itching and watery elevations around anus.
- Frothy, offensive, liquid, light-colored, like soapsuds, bowel movements, mostly windy.
- Repulsive odor; changeable color; brown, acid.
- Enuresis; dribbling, offensive urine of old men.
- Excess of uric acid.
- Vesical catarrh from suppressed gonorrhoea.
- Cystitis.
- Hoarse in morning.
- Asthmatic cough; worse at night; lying on right side.
- Chest very tender.
- Pain in region of heart.
- Expectoration, green mucus.
- Pressure on spinal column.
- Coldness in sacrum.
- Dull pain in region of kidneys; worse, wine.
- Joints crack on motion.
- Tearing with stitches.
- Pain in tendo Achillis.
- Rheumatic gout; nodes very painful.
- Gouty deposits.
- Ganglion; swelling of the wrist.
- Pain and swelling in knees.
- Bunion of great toe.
- Tearing pain in great toe.
- Cold hands, feet, back, knees.
- Chilliness; cold sweat.
- Internal heat on awakening.
- Red spots.
- Itching in spots.
- Worse, in open air; by uncovering.
- Useful after Colchic. fails in gout; after Copavia in gonorrhoea.
- Compare : Nitric acid; Ammon. benz.; Sabina; Tropoeolum.
- Garden Nasturtium - (fetid urine).
- Antidote : Copaiva.
- Incompatible : Wine.
- Third to sixth potency

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