Sunday, 28 September 2014

Acidum Phosphoricum

 Acidum Phosphoricum
 (phosphoricum acidum)

(phosphoric acid)
* The common acid "debility" is very marked in this remedy, producing a nervous
* Mental debility first; later physical.
* A congenial soil for the action of Phos. acid isfound in young people who grow rapidly,
and who are overtaxed, mentally or physically.
* Whenever the system has been exposed to the ravages of acute disease, excesses, grief, loss
of vital fluids, we obtain conditions calling for it.
* Pyrosis, flatulence, diarrhoea, diabetes, rhachitis and periosteal inflammation.
* Neurosis in stump, after amputation.
* Haemorrhages in typhoid.
* Useful in relieving pain of cancer.
- Listless.
- Impaired memory. [Anac.]
- Apathetic, indifferent.
- Cannot collect his thoughts or find the right word.
- Difficult comprehension.
- Effects of grief and mental shock.
- Delirium, with great stupefaction.
- Settled despair.
- Heavy; confused.
- Pain as if temples were crushed together.
- Worse, saking or noise. Crushing headache. Pressure on top.
- Hair gray early in life; falls out.
- Dull headache after coition; from eye-strain. [Nat.m. ]
- Vertigo toward evening, when standing or walking.
- Hair thins out, turns gray early.
- Blue rings around.
- Lids inflamed and cold.
- Pupils dilated.
- Glassy appearance.
- Averse to sunlight; sees colors as if a rainbow.
- Feel too large.
- Amblyopia in masturbators.
- Optic nerves seem torpid.
- Pain as if eyeballs were forcibly pressed together and into head.
- Roaring, with difficult hearing.
- Intolerant of noise.
- Bleeding.
- Bores fingers into nose.
- Itching.
- Lips dry, cracked.
- Bleeding gums; retract from teeth.
- Tongue swollen, dry, with viscid, frothy mucus.
- Teeth feel cold.
- At night, bites tongue in voluntarily.
- Pale, earthy; feeling of tension as from dried albumen.
- Sensation of coldness of one side of face.
- Craves juicy things.
- Sour risings.
- Nausea.
- Symptoms following sour food and drink.
- Pressure as from a weight, with sleepiness aftereating. [Fel tauri.]
- Thirst for cold milk.
- Abdomen.
- -Distention and fermentation in bowels.
- Enlarged spleen. [Ceanoth.]
- Aching in umbilical region.
- Loud rumbling.
- Diarrhoea, white, watery, involuntary, painless,with much flatus; not specially exhausting.
- Diarrhoea in weakly, delicate rachitic children.
- Frequent, profuse, watery, milky. Diabetes.
- Micturition, preceded by anxiety and followed byburning.
- Frequent urination at night.
- Phosphaturia.
- Emissions at night and at stool.
- Seminal vesiculitis. [Oxal. acid.]
- Sexual power deficient; testicles tender and swollen.
- Parts relax during embrace. [Nux.]
- Prostatorrhoea, even when passing a soft stool.
- Eczema of scrotum.
- Oedema of prepuce, and swollen glans-penis.
- Herpes preputialis.
- Sycotic excrescences. [Thuja.]
- Menses too early and profuse, with pain in liver.
- Itching; yellow leucorrhoea after menses.
- Milk scanty; health deteriorated from nursing.
- Chest troubles develop after brain-fag.
- Hoarseness.
- Dry cough from tickling in chest.
- Salty expectoration.
- Difficult respiration.
- Weak feeling in chest from talking.[Stann.] Pressure behind the sternum, rendering
breathing difficult.
- Palpitation in children who grow too fast; aftergrief, self-abuse.
- Pulse irregular, intermittent.
- Boring pain between scapulae.
- Pain in back and limbs, as if beaten.
- Weak.
- Tearing pains in joints, bones, and periosteum.
- Cramps in upper arms and wrists.
- Great debility.
- Pains at night, as if bones were scraped.
- Stumbles easily and makes missteps.
- Itching, between fingers or in folds of joints.
- Pimples, acne, blood-boils.
- Ulcers, with very offensive pus.
- Burning red rash.
- Formication in various parts.
- Falling out of the hair. [Nat. mur.; Selen.] Tendency to abscess after fevers.
- Chilliness.
- Profuse sweat during night and morning.
- Low types of fever, with dull comprehension and stupor.
- Better, from keeping warm.
- Worse, exertion, from being talked to; loss of vital fluids; sexual excesses.
- Everything impeding circulation causes aggravation of symptoms.
- Compare : Oenothera biennis-Evening primrose-(Effortless diarrhoea with nervous
exhaustion. Incipient hydrocephaloid. Whooping-cough and spasmodic asthma).
- Nectranda amare. (Watery diarrhoea, dry tongue, colic, bluish ring around sunken eyes,
restless sleep.)
- China; Nux. Pic. ac.; Lactic ac.; Phos.
- Antidotes : Coffea.
- First potency.

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