Sunday 28 September 2014

Acidum Chromicum

 Acidum Chromicum
Chromicum acidum
(chromic acid)
* Diphtheria, post-nasal tumors, and epithelioma of the tongue have been benefited by this
* Bloody, foul-smelling lochia.
* Symptoms come and go suddenly, and return periodically; offensive discharges.
- Ulcer and scabs in nose.
- Offensive smell.
- Corrosive pain.
- Ozaena. [Aur.]
- Diphtheria; sore throat.
- Tough mucus, with inclination to swallow it; worse, causing hawking.
- Post-nasal tumors.
- Uneasiness in limbs.
- Pain in shoulder-blades and back of neck.
- Pain in knees and balls of feet.
- Drawing pain in soles while walking.
- Watery, frequent, copious, with nausea and vertigo.
- Haemorrhoids, internal and bleeding.
- Weakness in small of back.
- Compare : Kali bich.; Rhus; Chromium Sulphate (in locomotor ataxia, goitre, prostatic
hypertrophy. Herpes preputialis. Wry neck. Also exophthalmic, inhibits the vagus, relieving
tachycardia. Acts like a nerve tonic where there islack of nervous tone. Fibroid tumors.
Infantile paralysis. Dose for adults, 3 to 5 grainsafter meals and at bedtime).
- Homoeopathically, third to sixth trituration.

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