Sunday 28 September 2014

Acalypha indica

Acalypha indica
(indian nettle)
* A drug having a marked action on the alimentary canal and respiratory organs.
* It is indicated in incipient phthisis, with hard, racking cough, bloody expectoration, arterial
haemorrhage, but no febrile disturbance.
* Very weak in the morning, gains strength during day.
* Progressive emaciation.
* All pathological haemorrhages having notably a morning aggravation.
- Cough dry, hard, followed by hoemoptysis; worse in morning and at night.
- Constant and severe pain in chest.
- Blood bright red and not profuse in morning; dark and clotted in afternoon.
- Pulse soft and compressible.
- Burning in pharynx, oesophagus, and stomach.
- Burning in intestines.
- Spluttering diarrhoea with forcible expulsion ofnoisy flatus, bearing down pains and
- Rumbling distention, and griping pain in abdomen.
- Rectal haemorrhage; worse in morning.
- Jaundice.
- Itching and circumscribed furuncle-like swellings.
- Worse in morning.
- Compare : Millefol.; Phosphor.; Acetic acid; Kali nit.
- Third to sixth potency.

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