Monday 22 September 2014

Cimex lectularius

Cimex lectularius
* Of use in intermittent fever, with weariness andinclination to stretch.
* Hamstrings feel too short. [Ammon mur.]
* Flexors mostly affected.
* Sensation of retraction of arm tendons.
* Stretching.
- Violent headache, caused by drinking.
- Great rage; vehement at beginning of chilly stage.
- Would like to tear everything to pieces.
- Pain under right frontal bone.
- Shooting pain from vagina up towards left ovary.
- Chilliness of whole body.
- Sensation as of wind blowing on knees.
- Pains in all joints, as if tendons were too short, especially knee-joints.
- Chill; worse lying down.
- Thirst during apyrexia, but little during chillystage; still less during hot stage, and none
during sweating.
- Musty, offensive sweat.
- Constipation, faeces dry and in small balls [Op.; Plumb.; Thuj.] and hard.
- Ulcer of rectum.
- Sixth to two hundredth attenuation.

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