Monday 29 September 2014

Ammonium bromatum

Ammonium bromatum
(bromide of ammonia)
* Indicated in chronic laryngeal and pharyngeal catarrh, neuralgic headaches, and obesity.
* Constrictive pain in head, chest, legs, etc.
* Irritable feeling under finger nails; relieved only by biting them.
- Cerebral congestion.
- Feeling of a band above ears.
- Sneezing; thick nasal discharge.
- Edges of lids red and swollen, also Meibomian glands.
- Eyeballs feel large and pain around eyes into head.
- Smarting in mouth.
- Tickling in throat, with inclination to dry, spasmodic cough, especially at night.
- Burning in fauces.
- White, sticky, mucus.
- Chronic speakers' catarrh.
- Sudden, short cough, strangling.
- Tickling in trachea and bronchial tubes.
- Wakes at 3 a.m. with cough.
- Feels suffocated; continuous cough, when lying down at night; sharp pain in lungs.
- Whooping Cough.
- -Dry, spasmodic cough on lying down.
- Hyos.; Con.; Arg. nit.; Kali bich.
- First potency.

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