Friday 26 September 2014

Boletus laricis

Boletus laricis
(white agaric)
* Quotidian intermittent fever.
* Sweat is light, and without relief.
* Night-sweat in phthisis.
- Feels light and hollow with deep frontal headache.
- Thick, yellow coating of tongue; teeth indented.
- Constant nausea.
- Chilliness along spine, with frequent, hot flashes.
- Yawns and stretches when chilly.
- Severe aching in shoulders and joints and small of back.
- Profuse perspiration at night, with hectic chills and fever.
- Hot and dry, especially in palms.
- Itching more between scapulae and on forearms.
- Compare : Agaricin, active constituent of Polyporus officinale (phthisical and other
enervating nightsweats 1-4 to 1-2 gr. doses; also in chorea, in dilatation of heart with
pulmonary Emphysema, fatty degeneration, profuse perspiration and erythema).
- Boletus luridus. (Violent pain in epigastrium, urticaria tuberosa.)
- Boletus satanus (dysentery, vomiting, great debility, cold extremities, spasm of extremities
and face).
- First attenuation.

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