Tuesday 23 September 2014

Cenchris contortrix

Cenchris contortrix
(copperhead snake)
* Like the other snake poisons, it affects the system profoundly.
* Like arsenic, it has dyspnoea, mental and physical restlessness, thirst for small quantities of
water, necessity for having clothing loose, like Laches.
* Marked alternation of moods; vivid dreams.
* Is a wonderful restorative and deep acting remedy.
* Increased sexual desire in both sexes.
* Ineffectual attempts to recline.
* Right ovarian region painful.
- Forgetful, absent-minded, alternating moods.
- Aching pain in left frontal eminence and left side of teeth.
- Swelling around eyes, aching and itching in eyes.
- Feels distended, fills whole chest, as if it fell down in abdomen; sharp stitches, fluttering
under left scapula.
- Dreams horrible and vivid; lascivious.
- Worse, pressure; lying down; afternoon and night.
- Compare : Ars.; Laches. Clotho arietans - Puff Adder.
- -Should have a great sphere of usefulness in many conditions where excessive swelling is a
leading feature. (John H. Clarke, M.D. )
- Sixth potency.

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