Sunday 28 September 2014

Acidum Tartaricum

Acidum Tartaricum
Tartaricum acidum
(tartaric acid)
* Found in grapes, pineapple, sorrel and other fruits.
* It is an antiscorbutic antiseptic, stimulating the mucous and salivary secretions.
Dullness and lassitude.
Great weakness, with diarrhoea, with dry and browntongue.
Pain in heels. [Phytol.]
- Excessive thirst, continued vomiting burning in throat and stomach.
- Dyspepsia with copious secretions of mucus.
- Pain around umbilicus and region of loins.
- Stool color of coffee-grounds (worse at night), with brown and dry tongue, and dark-green
- Third trituration.
- The pure acid 10-30 grains dissolved in water.

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