Sunday 28 September 2014

Anagallis arvensis

Anagallis arvensis
(scarlet pimpernel)
* Marked action on skin, characterized by great itching and tingling everywhere.
* Favors expulsion of splinters.
* An old medicine for hydrophobia and dropsy.
* Possesses power of softening flesh and destroying warts.
- Great hilarity; headache over supra-orbital ridges, with rumbling in bowels and eructations;
better from coffee.
- Sick headache.
- Pain in facial muscles.
- Rheumatic and gouty pains.
- Pain in shoulder and arm.
- Cramp in ball of thumbs and fingers.
- More or less irritation in urethra, inclining tocoition.
- Burning pain on urinating, with agglutination oforifice.
- Urine passes in several streams; must press before it passes.
- Itching. dry, bran-like eruption, especially on hands and fingers. Palms especially affected.
- Vesicles in groups.
- Ulcers and swellings on joints.
- Anagallis contains Saponin, q.v.
- Compare : Cyclamen; Primula obcon.
- First to third potency.

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