Wednesday 24 September 2014

Calendula officinalis

Calendula officinalis
* A most remarkable healing agent, applied locally.
* Useful for open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers, etc.
* Promotes healthy granulations and rapid healing by first intention.
* Haemostatic after tooth extraction.
* Deafness.
* Catarrhal conditions.
* Neuroma.
* Constitutional tendency to erysipelas.
* Pain is excessive and out of all proportion to injury.
* Great disposition to take cold, especially in damp weather.
* Paralysis after apoplexy.
* Cancer, as an intercurrent remedy.
* Has remarkable power to produce local exudation and helps to make acrid discharge
healthy and free.
* Cold hands.
- Extremely nervous; easily frightened; tearing headache; weight on brain.
- Submaxillary glands swollen, painful to touch.
- Pain in right side of neck.
- Lacerated scalp wounds.
- Injuries to eyes which tend to suppuration; after operations; blenorrhoea of lachrymal sac.
- Deafness; worse in damp surroundings and with eczematous conditions.
- Hears best on a train, and distant sounds.
- Coryza in one nostril; with much green discharge.
- Hunger immediately after nursing.
- Bulimia.
- Heartburn with horripilations.
- Nausea in chest.
- Vomiting.
- Sinking sensation.
- Epigastric distention.
- Cough, with green expectoration, hoarseness; with distention of inguinal ring.
- Warts at the os externum.
- Menses suppressed, with cough.
- Chronic endocervicitis.
- Uterine hypertrophy, sensation of weight and fullness in pelvis; stretching and dragging in
groin; pain on sudden movements.
- Os lower than natural.
- Menorrhagia.
- Yellow; goose-flesh.
- Promotes favorable cicatrization, with least amount of suppuration.
- Slough, proud flesh, and raised edges.
- Superficial burns and scalds.
- Erysipelas (use topically).
- Coldness, great sensitiveness to open air; shuddering in back, skin feels warm to touch.
- Heat in evening.
- Worse, in damp, heavy, cloudy weather.
- Compare : Hamamel.; Hyperic.; Symph.; Arn.
- Compare in deafness : Ferr. pic.; Kal. iod.; Calc.; Mag. c; Graph.
- Antidote : Chelidon.; Rheum.
- Complementary : Hepar.
- Locally.
- Aqueous Calendula [Marigoldin.] for all wounds, the greatest healing agent.
- Also as an injection in leucorrhoea; internally,tincture, to third potency.
- For burns sores, fissures, and abrasions, etc., use Calendula Cerate.

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