Thursday 25 September 2014

Cuprum arsenicosum

Cuprum arsenicosum
(arsenite of copper-scheele's green)
* A remedy for symptoms depending on deficient kidney action, various intestinal affections,
cholera morbus and infantum; entero-colitis, diarrhoea, and dysentery.
* Gastro-intestinal disturbances of influenza and typhoid.
* Uraemic convulsions, headache, vertigo and unconscious conditions resulting from brain
* Nephritis of pregnancy.
* Convulsions preceded by gastro-intestinal symptoms.
* Chlorosis.
* Bronchial asthma and with emphysema.
* Purulent endocarditis (Royal).
* Painful neuroses, enteroptosis.
* Delirium and tremor cordis.
- Tongue thickly coated, dirty brown, white, metallic taste; thirst.
- Dry mouth.
- Cardiac rhythm and force altered due to defective elimination.
- Gastro-enteritis.
- Violent abdominal pain.
- Diarrhoea in phthisis.
- Cholera. [Ars.; Verat.; Camph.]
- Rumbling and sharp cutting pain.
- Dark liquid stools.
- Persistent lameness.
- Pain in lumbar region and in lower left shoulder-blade; chest feels tight.
- Renal inefficiency and uraemia.
- Garlicky odor.
- Diabetes.
- Urine of high specific gravity; increased, acetones and diacetic acid.
- Perspiration of scrotum; is constantly damp and moist.
- Boils on scrotum.
- Purulent discharge of a white color from urethra; tingling and burning in urethra; pain in
prostate; pains in penis.
- Cramps in calves of legs, worse after midnight, only relieved by getting out of bed and
- Ulcers; gangrene.
- Icy cold.
- Sweat, and skin even when dry.
- Cold, clammy perspiration of an intermittent nature.
- Acne, pustules on face and in the cruro-genital region; ulcers look like chancre.
- Gangrene; carbuncles.
- Third trituration.

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