Monday 22 September 2014

Cistus canadensis

Cistus canadensis
(rock rose)
* A deep-acting anti-psoric remedy, with marked action in glandular affections, herpetic
eruptions, chronic swellings, when patient is extremely sensitive to cold. Sensation of
coldness in various parts.
* Scrofulous ophthalmia.
* Poisoned wounds, bites, phagedenic ulcers.
* Malignant disease of the glands of the neck.
* Cistus has affinity for naso-pharynx; aborts colds that center in posterior nose.
* Sniffling.
- Itching, burning, and crusts on right zygoma.
- Lupus, caries; open, bleeding cancer.
- Tip of nose painful.
- Scorbutic swollen gums.
- Mouth feels cold; putrid, impure breath.
- Pyorrhoea. [Merc. cor.; Caust.; Staph.; Kreos.] Hurts to protrude the tongue.
- Watery discharge; also fetid pus.
- Tetter on and around ears, extending to externalmeatus.
- Spongy feeling; very dry and cold air passing over parts causes pain.
- Breath, tongue, and throat feel cold.
- Uvula and tonsils swollen.
- A small, dry spot in throat; must sip water frequently.
- Hawking of mucus.
- Swelling and suppuration of glands of throat.
- Head drawn to one side by swellings in neck.
- Sore throat from inhaling the least cold air.
- Heat and itching in throat.
- Cool feeling in stomach before and after eating.
- Cool feeling in whole abdomen.
- Desire for cheese.
- Diarrhoea from coffee and fruit, thin, yellow, urgent; worse in morning.
- Coldness in chest.
- The neck is studded with tumors.
- Induration of mammae.
- Haemorrhage from lungs.
- Sprained pain in wrist.
- Tips of fingers sensitive to cold.
- Tetter on hands.
- Cold feet.
- Syphilitic ulcers on lower limbs, with hard swelling around.
- White swelling.
- Cannot sleep from coldness in throat.
- Induration and inflammation of mammae.
- Sensitive to cold air.
- Bad smelling leucorrhoea.
- Asthmatic after lying down (trachea feels narrow), preceded by formication.
- Itching all over.
- Small, painful pimples; lupus.
- Glands inflamed and indurated.
- Mercurio-syphilitic ulcers.
- Skin of hands hard, thick, dry, fissured; deep cracks.
- Itching of swollen hands and arms; general itching which presents sleep.
- Hemicrania.
- Worse, slightest exposure to cold air; mental exertion, excitement.
- Better after eating.
- Antidotes : Rhus.; Sepia.
- Compare : Conium; Carbo; Calc; Arg. n.
- First to thirtieth attenuation.
- Locally as a wash to arrest fetid discharges.

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