Monday 22 September 2014

Clematis erecta

Clematis erecta
(virgin's bower)
* Scrofulous, rheumatic, gonorrhoeal, and syphilitic patients.
* Acts especially on skin, glands and genito-urinary organs, especially testicles.
* A remedy of much importance in disturbances of sleep, and neuralgic pains in various
* Many of these pains are relieved by perspiration.
* Muscles relaxed or twitching.
* Great emaciation.
* Great sleepiness.
* Distant pulsation in whole body.
- Boring pain in temples.
- Confused feeling; better in open air.
- Eruption on occiput at base of hair, moist, pustular sensitive, itching.
- Heat in eyes and sensitive to air; must close them.
- Chronic blepharitis, with sore and swollen meibomain glands.
- Iritis, great sensitiveness to cold.
- Flickering before eyes.
- Pustular conjunctivitis, with tinea capitis; eyes inflamed and protruding.
- White blisters on face and nose, as if burned bysun.
- Swelling of submaxillary glands, with hard tubercles, throbbing, aggravated on being
- Pain in right side of face to eye, ear and temple; better, holding cold water in mouth.
- Ache; worse, at night and from tobacco.
- Teeth feel too long.
- After eating, weakness in all limbs and pulsation in arteries.
- Ilio-scrotal neuralgia.
- Testicles indurated with bruised feeling.
- Swelling of scrotum. [Orchitis.]
- Right half only.
- Troubles from suppressed gonorrhoea.
- Violent erections with stitches in urethra.
- Testicles hang heavy or retracted, with pain along spermatic cord; worse, right side.
- Tingling in urethra lasting some time after urinating.
- Frequent, scanty urination; burning at orifice.
- Interrupted flow.
- Urethra feels constricted.
- Urine emitted drop by drop.
- Inability to pass all the urine; dribbling afterurinating.
- Pain worse at night, pain along the spermatic cord.
- Commencing stricture.
- Red, burning, vesicular, scaly, scabby.
- Itches terribly; worse, washing in cold water; worse face and hands and scalp around
occiput. Glands hot, painful, swollen; worse inguinal glands.
- Glandular indurations and tumors of breast.
- Varicose ulcers.
- Better, in open air.
- Worse, at night, and warmth of bed (washing in cold water); new moon - (monthly
- Compare : Clematis vitalba (varicose and other ulcers); Sil.; Staph.; Petrol.; Oleand.;
Sarsap.; Canth.; Phos. ac.; Pulsat.
- Antidotes : Bryon.; Camph.
- Third to thirtieth potency.

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