Friday 12 September 2014

Magnesium carbonicum

Magnesium carbonicum
(carbonate of magnesia)
* Gastro-intestinal catarrh, with marked acidity.
* Often used with advantage for complains arising in people who have been taking this drug
to sweeten the stomach.
* Is frequently indicated in children; whole body smells sour, and disposed to boils.
* Broken-down, "worn-out" women, with uterine and climacteric disorders.
* With numbness and distension in various, parts and nerve prostration.
* Sensitive to the least start, noise, touch, etc.
* Affection of the antrum of Highmore.
* Effects of shock, blows, mental distress.
* Sense of numbness; nerve prostration; tendency to constipation after nervous strain;
sensitive to least touch, it causes starting, or cold winds or weather or from excess of care and
worry with constipation and heaviness.
* Intense neuralgic pains.
- Sticking pain in the side of the head on which he lies, as if the hair was pulled; worse,
mental exertion.
- Itching of scalp worse in damp weather.
- Pain above margin of right orbit.
- Blank motes before eyes.
- Diminished hearing.
- Deafness; comes suddenly and varies.
- Numbness of outer ear.
- Feeling of distention of middle ear.
- Subdued tinnitus.
- Tearing pain in one side; worse; quiet; must move about.
- Toothache, especially during pregnancy; worse atnight; worse, cold and quiet.
- Teeth feel too long.
- Ailments from cutting wisdom teeth. [Cheiranthus.]
- Pain in malar bone, worse during rest, night.
- Swelling of malar bone with pulsating pain, worse exposure to cold wind.
- Dry at night.
- Sour taste.
- Vesicular eruption; bloody saliva.
- Sticking pain in throat; hawking up fetid, pea-colored particles.
- Desire for fruit, acids, and vegetables.
- Eructations sour, and vomiting of bitter water.
- Craving for meat.
- Rumbling, gurgling.
- Dragging towards pelvis.
- Very heavy; contractive, pinching, pain in rightilliac region.
- Preceded by griping, colicky pain.
- Green, watery, frothy, like a frog-pond's scum.
- Bloody mucous stools.
- Milk passes undigested in nursing children. Sour, with tenesmus. [Rheum.]
- Constipation after mental shock or severe nervous strain.
- Sore throat before menses appear.
- Before menses, coryza and nasal stoppage.
- Menses too late and scanty, thick, dark, like pitch; mucous leucorrhoea.
- Menses flow only in sleep; more profuse at night[Amm. m.], or when lying down; cease
when walking.
- Ticking cough, with salty, bloody expectoration.
- Constrictive pains in chest, with dyspnoea.
- Soreness in chest during motion.
- Tearing in shoulders as if dislocated.
- Right shoulder painful, cannot raise it. [Sang.]
- Whole body feels tired and painful, especially legs and feet.
- Swelling in bend of knee.
- Earthy, sallow and parchment-like; emaciation.
- Itching vesicles on hands and fingers.
- Nodosities under skin.
- Sore; sensitive to cold.
- Chilly in evening.
- Fever at night.
- Sour, greasy perspiration.
- Unrefreshing; more tired on rising than on retiring.
- Worse, warmth of bed; change of temperature; cold wind or weather; every three weeks;
- Better, warm air; walking in open air.
- Antidotes : Ars.; Merc.
- Complementary : Cham.
- Compare : Rheum; Kreos.; Aloes; Cheiranthus-Wallflower -(deafness, otorrhoea, nose
stopped up at night from irritation of cutting wisdom-teeth).
- Third to thirtieth potency.

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