Friday 12 September 2014

Magnesium muriaticum

Magnesium muriaticum
(muriate of magnesia)
* A liver remedy with pronounced characteristic constipation.
* Chronic liver affections with tenderness and pain, extending to spine and epigastrium,
worse after food.
* Especially adapted to diseases of women, with a long history of indigestion and uterine
disease; children who cannot digest milk.
* Evil effects of sea bathing.
- Sensitive to noise; bursting headache; worse, motion, open air; better, pressure, and
wrapping up warmly. [Sil.; Stront.]
- Much sweating of head. [Calc., Sil.]
- Facial neuralgia pains, dull, aching, worse dampweather, slightest draft, better pressure
- Nostrils ulcerated, Coryza.
- Nose stopped and fluent.
- Loss of smell and taste, following catarrh.
- Cannot lie down.
- Must breathe through mouth.
- Blisters on lips.
- Gums swollen, bleed easily.
- Tongue feels burnt and scalded.
- Throat dry, with hoarseness.
- Appetite poor, had taste in mouth.
- Eructations like rotten eggs.
- Continued rising of while froth into mouth Cannot digest milk.
- Urine can be passed only by pressing abdominal muscles.
- Pressing pain in liver; worse lying on right side.
- Liver enlarged with bloating of abdomen; yellow tongue.
- Congenital scrotal hernia.
- Must use abdominal muscles to enable him to urinate.
- Urine difficult to void.
- Bladder can only be emptied by straining and pressure.
- Constipation of infants during dentition; only passing small quantity; stools knotty, like
sheep's dung, crumbling at verge of anus.
- Painful smarting haemorrhoids.
- Menses black, clotted.
- Pain in back and thighs.
- Metrorrhagia; worse at night.
- Great excitement at every period.
- Leucorrhoea with every stool and after exercise.
- Tinea ciliaris, eruptions in face and forehead worse before menses.
- Palpitation and cardiac pain while sitting; better by moving about. [Gels.] Functional
cardiac affections with liver enlargement.
- Spasmodic dry cough; worse forepart of night, with burning and sore chest.
- Pain in back and hips; in arms and legs.
- Arms "Go to sleep" when waking in morning.
- Sleep during day; restless at night on account of heat and shock : anxious dreams.
- Worse, immediately after eating, lying on right side : from sea bathing. Better, from
pressure, motion : open air, except headache.
- Antidotes : Camph.; Cham.
- Compare : Nat.m. ; Puls.; Sep.; Amm.m. ; Nasturtium aquaticum -Water-cress-(useful in
scorbutic affections and constipation, related to strictures of urinary apparatus; supposed to be
aphrodisiacal in its action. Is also antidotal to tobacco narcosis and sedative in neurotic
affections, neurasthenia, hysteria. Cirrhosis of liver and dropsy).
- 5 drops of tincture.
- Third to 200th potency.

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