Friday 12 September 2014


* Whole face puffed oedematous-eyes, nose, ears, lips.
- Numbness; burning, pricking heat.
- Vesicular eruption especially on face, arms, shoulders, and breasts.
- Nettlerash.[Apis.; Chloral.; Dulc.]
- Marked action on lacteal glands.
- The secretion of milk was established after lackof it in all previous confinements.
- Compare : Pyrarara, Physalia (urticaria); Urtica, Homar., Sep.
Mel cum sale
(honey with salt)
* Prolapsus uteri and chronic metritis, especiallywhen associated with subinvolution and
inflammation of the cervix.
* The special symptom leading to its selection is a feeling of soreness across the
hypogastrium from ileum to ileum.
* Uterine displacements, and in the commencement of metritis Sensation as if bladder were
too full.
* Pain from sacrum towards pubes.
* Pain as if in ureters.
- Third to sixth potency.
- Honey for itching of anus and worms.

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