Thursday 11 September 2014

Niccolum sulphuricum

Niccolum sulphuricum
(sulphate of nickel)
* Useful in climacteric disturbances.
* Periodic neuralgias of malarial origin.
* Urine and saliva increased.
* Coppery taste.
* Weak, asthenopic literally persons with weak digestion and constipation, are worse in
morning and suffer from periodic headaches and hoarseness.
- Nervous, uneasy, desire to recline, tired, cannot settle down to any occupation.
- Periodic headaches, occipital pain, extending down to spine, worse lying on back; sore pain
in eyes.
- Stiff, numb sensation, worse in neck.
- Spine sore.
- Awakened in morning with burning soles, Spinal pains, legs and arms heavy and weak,
cannot lie on back.
- Dull aching in ovaries, with sensation as if menses appear.
- Hot flashes, followed by perspiration on parts touching each other, when separated become
- Second trituration.

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