Tuesday 9 September 2014


* Has a marked action on the skin, heart and nervous system, producing and curing paralytic
conditions with cramp-like contractions of upper extremities.
* Hemiplegia.
* Difficult articulation.
- Memory weak; slow perception.
- Melancholy, with obstinate constipation.
- Vertigo and diplopia, when looking down.
- Vertigo, when looking fixedly at an object, and on rising in bed.
- Pain in brain, as if head would burst.
- Numb feeling.
- Dull, unable to think.
- Indolence.
- Eruption on scalp.
- Humid, fetid spots behind ears [Graph.; Petrol.]and occiput, with red, rough, herpetic spots
in front.
- Corrosive itching on forehead and edge of hair; worse, heat.
- Can see objects only when looking at them sideways.
- Eyes water on reading.
- Double vision.
- Sensation as if eyes were drawn back into the head.
- Pale, sunken, with blue rings around eyes. [Phos. ac.]
- Canine hunger, with hurried eating, without appetite.
- Thirst.
- Empty belching.
- Vomiting of food; greenish water.
- Throbbing in pit.
- Borborygmus, with profuse, fetid flatus.
- Gnawing around navel.
- Ineffectual urging.
- Undigested faeces. Stool passes when emitting flatus.
- Burning pain in anus.
- Oppression as from a weight; asthmatic when lying down.
- Palpitation, with weakness and empty feeling in chest.
- Dyspnoea.
- Obtuse stitches in chest.
- Weakness of lower limbs.
- Paralysis of legs and feet.
- Want of animal heat in limbs.
- Cold feet.
- Painless paralysis.
- Constant cold feet.
- Swelling, burning stiffness of fingers.
- Veins and hands swollen.
- Oedema.
- Stiffness of joints.
- Itching, scurfy pimples; herpes; sensitive and numb.
- Nocturnal burning.
- Very sensitive skin; slightest friction causes soreness and chapping.
- Violent itching eruption, bleeding, oozing; wantof perspiration.
- Pruritus, especially of scalp, which is sensitive.
- Worse, undressing, rest, friction of clothes.
- Compare : Con.; Nat.m. ; Rhus; Caust.; Lathyr.
- Oleander contains Oleandrin and also Nerein which latter is said to be closely related if not
identical with Digitalin.
- The pulse becomes slower, more regular, more powerful.
- Diuresis; palpitation, oedema and dyspnoea of valvular disease disappear.
- Antidotes : Camph.; Sulph.
- Third to thirtieth potency.

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