Tuesday 9 September 2014

Onosmodium virginianum

Onosmodium virginianum
(false gromwell)
* Want of power of concentration and co-ordination.
* Vertigo, numbness and muscular prostration.
* Marked association of head and eye symptoms, with muscular tiredness and weariness.
A remedy for migraine.
Headaches from eyestrain and sexual weakness.
It produces diminution of sexual desire in both sexes; hence its homoeopathicity, in sexual
Depressed or lost sexual life in women.
Neuralgic pains.
General prostration.
Acts as if born tired.
- Loss of memory.
- Nose feels dry.
- Confused.
- Dull, heavy, dizzy, pressing upward in occiput.
- Occipito-frontal pain in morning on waking, chiefly left side.
- Pain in temples and mastoid. [Capsic.]
- Vision blurred; optic disc hyperaemic, and retinal vessels enlarged.
- Strained feeling in eyes; worse, using eyes.
- Eyes heavy and dull, muscular asthenopia; ocularmuscles tense.
- Internal eye muscles paretic.
- Pain in eyeballs between orbit and ball, extending to left temple.
- Severe dryness.
- Discharge from posterior nares.
- Raw, scraping.
- Stuffed feeling in posterior nares.
- Symptoms worse by cold drinks.
- Craving for ice-water and cold drinks; wants to drink often.
- Abdomen feels bloated
- Pain in dorsal and lumbar regions.
- Numbness and tingling in feet and legs.
- Sore, aching in breasts; feels swollen and sore.
- Pain in heart; pulse, rapid, irregular, weak.
- Constant sexual excitement.
- Psychical impotence.
- Loss of desire.
- Speedy emissions.
- Deficient erections.
- Severe uterine pains; bearing-down pains; old pains return.
- Sexual desire completely destroyed.
- Feels as if menses would appear.
- Aching in breasts.
- Nipples itch.
- Menses too early and too prolonged.
- Soreness in uterine region.
- Leucorrhoea, yellow, acrid, profuse.
- Pain in back.
- Tired and numb feeling in legs, popliteal spaces, and below knees.
- Staggering gait.
- Sidewalk seems too high.
- Pain in left scapular region.
- Great muscular weakness and weariness.
- Worse, from motion, jar, and tight clothing.
- Better, when undressed, when lying down on back,from cold drinks, and eating.
- Compare : Nat. mur.; Lilium; Gels.; Ruta.
- Thirtieth attenuation.

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