Tuesday 9 September 2014


Homeopathy is an effective system of medicine which was developed by the famous German scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the year 1796. It is considered a natural medical science. The homeopathic medicines stimulate the human body's healing powers to cure a wide variety of diseases. Homeopathy has cured diabetes in many cases
There are many remedies in homeopathy for diabetes. Uranium nitrate is very effective in treating diabetes originating from dyspepsia (digestion problems). Syzygium Jambo, which is prepared from jambol seeds, helps in reducing sugar level in the urine. It is well known for its quick action. 
Phosphoric acid is very effective in treating diabetes caused by grief, worry or anxiety. It is very effective in curing diabetes mellitus in its initial stages. Aurum metallicum is effective in treating diabetics suffering from depression and nausea. Arsenicum bromatum is used to treat diabetics affected by excessive thirst. 
Lactic acid is useful in treating diabetes caused by stomach or liver problems. Acetic acid is effective in curing frequent urination. Pancreatinum, which is used in treating diabetes, is a cream-colored medicine which may be administered internally in the form of salol-coated pills. It is usually prepared using enzymes obtained from the fresh pancreas of a pig or a hog. It has a peculiar odor and tastes like meat. Pancreatinum it partially soluble in water. This medicine should not be administered when the food is getting digested. 
Insulinum is a crystalline powder has been evaluated at Central Research Institute for Homeopathy. It restores the ability to oxidize carbohydrates. It is very effective in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. It also improves the functioning of the pancreas. It is used extensively in treating diabetes mellitus worldwide. 
Phloridzin, which is derived from the root of various fruit trees, is used by homeopaths in treating diabetics as it reduces blood sugar levels. Abroma augusta is effective in reducing sugar levels in urine. Cephalandra Indica is used to treat diabetics affected by exhaustion and weight loss. Gymnema Sylvestre is effective is reducing sugar level in blood. It promotes generation of insulin in the body. 
The above mentioned homeopathic remedies are effective against diabetes. They have very few side effects. However the patient has to monitor the blood sugar levels while using these medicines. It is always advisable to consult a certified homeopath before using any of the above mentioned remedies. 

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