Tuesday 9 September 2014

Ptelea trifoliata

Ptelea trifoliata
* Is a remarkable remedy in stomach and liver affections.
* The aching and heaviness in the region of the liver is greatly aggravated by lying on the left
* Atonic states of stomach.
* Asthma.
- Feels dull and stupid.
- Pain from forehead to root of nose; pressing-outward pain. Frontal headache; worse, noise,
motion, night, rubbing eyes, with acidity.
- Temples as if pressed together.
- Excess of saliva, with dry bitter taste.
- Tongue coated white or yellow; feels rough, swollen.
- Papillae red and prominent. [Arg.n. ] Coating may be brownish-yellow.
- Weight and fullness.
- Griping in epigastric region, with dryness of mouth.
- Eructations, nausea, vomiting.
- Constant sensation of corrosion, heat and burning in stomach.
- Stomach feels empty after eating.
- Stomach and liver symptoms associated with pain in limbs.
- Much weight and pain in right side; heavy, aching feeling, relieved by lying on right side.
- Liver sore, swollen, sensitive to pressure.
- Retraction of abdomen.
- Feeling of pressure on lungs and of suffocation,when lying on back.
- Asthma; dyspnoea; cramp-like pain in cardiac region.
- Restless, with frightful dreams; nightmare, awakes languid and unrefreshed.
- Worse, lying on left side; early morning.
- Better, eating sour things.
- Compare : Mercur.; Magn. mur.; Nux; Chelid.
- First to thirtieth potency.

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