Tuesday 9 September 2014

Raphanus sativus

Raphanus sativus
(black garden radish)
* Produces pain and stitches in liver and spleen.
* Increases of bile and salivary secretion.
* Symptoms will not appear if salt is used with the Radish.
* Great accumulation and incarceration of flatulence.
* "Globus" symptoms.
* Seborrhoea, with greasy skin.
* Pemphigus.
* Hysteria; chilliness in back and arms.
* Sexual insomnia. [Kali brom.]
* Nymphomania.
* Post-operative gas pains.
- Sadness, aversion to children, especially girls.
- Headache, brain feels tender and sore.
- Oedema of lower eyelids.
- Mucus in posterior nares.
- Hot-ball feeling from uterus to throat, stoppingthere.
- Heat and burning in throat.
- Putrid eructations.
- Burning in epigastrium, followed by hot eructation.
- Retching and vomiting, loss of appetite.
- Distended, tympanitic, hard.
- No flatus emitted upward or downward.
- Griping about navel.
- Stool liquid, frothy, profuse, brown, with colic, and pad-like swelling of intestines.
- Vomiting of faecal matter.
- Nervous irritation of genitals.
- Menses very profuse and long-lasting.
- Nymphomania, with aversion to her own sex and tochildren, and sexual insomnia.
- Turbid, with yeast-like sediment.
- Urine more copious, thick like milk.
- Pain in chest extends to back and to throat.
- Heavy lump and coldness in center of chest.
- Compare : Momordica (worse, near splenic flexure); Carbo; anac.; Arg. nit.; Brassica.
- Third to thirtieth potency.

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