Monday 8 September 2014

Rhus aromatica

Rhus aromatica
(fragrant sumach)
* Renal and urinary affections, especially diabetes.
* Enuresis due to vesical atony; senile incontinence.
* Haematuria and cystitis come within the range ofthis remedy.
- Pale, albuminous.
- Incontinence. Severe pain at beginning or beforeurination, causing great agony in children.
- Constant dribbling.
- Diabetes, large quantities of urine of low specific gravity. [Phos. ac.; Acet. ac.]
- Tincture, in rather material doses.
Rhus glabra
(smooth sumach)
* Epistaxis and occipital headache. Fetid flatus.
* Ulceration of mouth.
* Dreams of flying through the air. [Sticta.] Profuse perspiration arising from debility.
[China.] It is claimed that this remedy will so disinfect the bowels that the flatus and stools
will be free from odor.
* It acts well in putrescent conditions with tendency to ulceration.
- Scurvy; nursing sore mouth. [Veronica.]
- Aphthous stomatitis.
- Said to be antidotal to the action of Mercury, and has been employed in the treatment of
secondary syphilis after mercurialization.
- Tincture.
- Usually locally to soft, spongy gums, aphthae, pharyngitis, etc.
- Internally, first potency.

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