Monday 8 September 2014

Robinia pseudacacia

Robinia pseudacacia
(yellow locust)
* The remedy for hyperchlorhydria.
* In cases where albuminoid digestion is too rapidand starch digestion is perverted.
* The gastric symptoms with the mostpronounced acidity are well authenticated, and are the
guiding symptoms .
* The acidity of Robinia is accompanied by frontalheadache.
* Intensely acrid eructations.
* Acrid and greenish vomiting, colic and flatulence, nightly burning pains in stomach and
constipation with urgent desire.
* -Acidity of children.
* Stools and perspiration sour.
* Incarcerated flatus.
- Dull, throbbing, frontal pain; worse, motion andreading.
- Gastric headache with acid vomiting.
- Dull, heavy aching.
- Nausea; sour, eructations; profuse vomiting of an intensely sour fluid. [Sulph. ac.]
- Great distention of stomach and bowels.
- Flatulent colic. [Cham.; Diosc.]
- Sour stools; child smells sour.
- Nymphomania.
- Acrid, fetid leucorrhoea.
- Discharge of blood between menstrual periods.
- Herpes on vagina and vulva.
- Magnes. Phos.; Arg. Nit.; Orexine tannate. (Hyperchlorydria; deficient acid and slow
digestion; 14 hourly doses).
- Third potency.
- Must be continued a long time.

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