Thursday 11 September 2014

natrium hypochlorosum

Natrium hypochlorosum
(labarraque's solution)
* In congested and atonic states of the uterus andits ligaments, with hepatic disorders.
* Chronic catarrhal diseases of the middle ear.
* Flabby, debilitated constitution.
* Both hands swollen in morning.
* Phlegmatic.
* Depressed, faint.
- Vertigo, with aching across forehead.
- Swimming feeling, as if top of head would float off.
- Bleeding of nose in clots.
- Sore irritable spots along sides of tongue and throat, gums sore, tongue swollen; aphthous
- Putrid taste.
- Furred tongue, large, flabby, intended.
- Cough with aphonia.
- Drowsy after meals.
- Dark, with albumen and casts.
- Diffuse nephritis.
- Much pain across small of back.
- Feeling as if uterus were pushed up on sitting down. [Ferr. iod.]
- Feels as if it opened and shut.
- Violent metrorrhagia.
- Leucorrhoea and backache.
- Passive, bearing-down from heavy condition of uterus.
- Womb is heavy, sodden, with tendency to prolapse.
- Subinvolution.
- Hands swollen every morning.
- Extreme weakness in ankles and knees.
- Compare : Aur. mur. nat.; Calc.; Sepia; Heliotropium (uterine displacement, with active
bearing-down sensation and loss of voice; membranous dysmenorrhoea).
- Antidote : Pulsat.; Guaiacum.
- Fifteen to twenty drops of Labarraque's solutionin water.

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