Thursday 11 September 2014

natrium salicylicum

Natrium salicylicum
(salicylate of sodium)
* Has an extensive range of action affecting the head, ear, throat, kidneys and liver and on
* Haemorrhages, especially epistaxis.
* Produces marked effects upon the internal ear, with vertigo, deafness, noises in ears and
loss of bone conduction, hence, its use in Meniere's disease.
* One of the best remedies for the prostrating after-effects of influenza.
* Lassitude, drowsiness, listlessness, tremor.
* Incipient dementia.
* Increases the quantity of bile.
* Follicular tonsillitis.
- Perfectly rational periods, alternate with manifestations of insanity of a sombre character.
- Vertigo; worse, raising head.
- All objects seem to move to the right.
- Dull headache and confusion.
- Fibrositis of the scalp.
- Retinal haemorrhage, albuminuric retinitis with haemorrhage.
- Iridocychitis due to traumatism with infection, and in sympathetic disease secondary to it.
(Dr. Gradel.)
- Tinnitus of a low tone.
- Deafness.
- Auditory vertigo.
- Dyspnoea; breathing noisy, shallow, panting; pulse irregular.
- Complete loss of voice.
- Oedema, urticaria, red in circumscribed patches.
- Tingling and itching.
- Pemphigoid eruption.
- Compare : Lobelia purpurascens (drowsiness; dizzy headache between eyebrows; cannot
keep eyes open; tongue-white-feels paralyzed as also do the heart and lungs intense
prostration of all vital forces; deadly chill, without shivering; useful for the low, nervous
prostration of grippe); Gaulth.; China. Pyrus malus-Crab apple tree-(Labyrinthine vertigo. Dr.
- Third potency.
Non-homoeopathic uses
- In acute articular rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, etc.
- Usual doses, ten to twenty grains every three hour.
- Must be used carefully, as it is often destructive of kidney tissue.
- Ordinary allopathic doses allay the pain of dysmenorrhoea and promote menstrual flow.

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