Tuesday 9 September 2014

Polyporus pinicola

Polyporus pinicola
(pine agaric)
* Useful in intermittent, remittent and bilious fevers, with headache, yellow tongue, constant
nausea, faintness at epigastrium, and constipation.
* Similar to its botanical relative, Polyp. officinalis, or Boletus laricis, q.v.
* Deep dull, severe pain in shin bones, preventingsleep.
- Great lassitude, congestion of head, with vertigo, face hot and flushed, prickling sensation
all over; restless at night from pain in wrists andknee; rheumatic pains; profuse perspiration.
- Headache about 10 a.m. , with pain in back, ankles and legs increasing until 3 p.m. , then
gradually better.
Populus candicans
(balm of gilead)
* Seems to have a remarkable power over acute colds, especially when accompanied by a
deep, hoarse voice, or even aphonia.
* General insensibility of surface (worse, back and abdomen); rubbing and pounding borne
without pain, and is grateful on account of warmth produced.
* Finger-ends thickened, horny; insensible to pinching and pricking.
* Instantaneous voice-producer. [Coca.]
- Discusses her symptoms with every one.
- Hot head with cold extremities.
- Cold-sores on lips [Nat. mur.] Tongue feels thick and numb.
- Burning irritation of eyes, nose, mouth, throat,and air passages.
- Acute hoarseness.
- Throat and nostrils burn.
- Sits bent forward with dry cough.
- Pharynx and larynx feel dry, and the voice weak and toneless.
- Rawness and soreness of chest and throat.
- Cough of children caused by naso-pharyngeal catarrh; mucus drops from posterior nares.
- Tincture.

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