Tuesday 9 September 2014

Populus tremuloides

Populus tremuloides
(american aspen)
* The gastric and urinary symptoms point to its usefulness in dyspepsia and catarrh of the
bladder, especially in old people.
* Good remedy in vesical troubles after operationsand in pregnancy.
* Cystitis.
* Fullness of head, and sensation of heat of the surfaces of the body.
* Night-sweats. Ague.
- Indigestion, with flatulence and acidity.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Severe tenesmus; painful scalding.
- Urine contains mucus and pus.
- Prostate enlarged.
- Pain behind pubis, at end of urination.
- Compare : Nux; China; Cornus flor.; Cannabis; Cantharis.
- Tincture or Populin trit., 1x.

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