Tuesday 9 September 2014

Primula veris

Primula veris
* Cerebral congestion, with neuralgia; migraine; rheumatic and gouty pains.
- Sensation of a band around head; cannot keen haton. [Carbol. ac.]
- Skin of forehead tense.
- Fear of falling when standing up.
- Violent vertigo, as if everything turned around.
- Buzzing in ears; better in open air.
- Cough, with burning and pricking in respiratory tracts.
- Weak voice.
- Urine smells strongly of violets.[Terebinth.]
- Right axillary muscles painful.
- Weight and lassitude in limbs, especially the shoulders.
- Burning in hollow of right hand.
- Drawing pain in thumb and big toe.
- Compare : Cyclamen; Ranunc.; Oenothera- Evening Primrose-(exhausting, watery
diarrhoea; cholera infantum; hydrocephaloid); Primula farinosa-the wild Primrose-(dermatitis,
especially on index fingers and thumbs).
- Third potency.

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